
To create unforgettable learning experiences.

Our vision describes the ideal result of our work. We foster learning to our students and among one another that makes a positive, lasting impact. If we embrace our values, achieve our goals and succeed in our mission, our vision will be realized.


Georgia Piedmont Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, promotes workforce development within a learner-centered environment through adult education, technical education and customized business and industry training in DeKalb, Newton and Rockdale counties. GPTC offers learners the opportunity to enhance, refine or develop their education, earning associate degrees, diplomas or certificates through traditional and distance delivery methods.


Our values are internally-held principles from which our culture stems. Our values guide the attitude and intention with which we approach our work.

Be teachable. Use knowledge effectively. Challenge others to learn.
Recognize the need for change.

Be mindful of people’s needs. Engage positively when interacting.
Be forgiving of inconveniences.

Influence with integrity. Own the work. Respect diversity.
Take initiative developing solutions.

Strategic Goals

These goals will be the focus of our work throughout the next five years. Divisional, departmental and individual objectives are aligned to these institution-wide initiatives.

Read Georgia Piedmont Tech's Strategic Goals

Goal I: Promote Student Success

In whatever manner students engage with the college, we will build an environment that supports their success.

  • Implement instructional best practices to enhance student
    learning and foster an inclusive learning environment
  • Offer educational programs to match the specific needs of the college’s service delivery area with a special emphasis on
    high-demand careers
  • Strengthen Adult Education sites
  • Develop initiatives to transition students from Adult
    Education to credit-based programs of study
  • Initiate a student-centered completion campaign that
    encourage full-time enrollment
  • Increase student involvement in clubs and organizations
  • Improve the quality of distance education courses
  • Identify and develop programs that encourage quick, efficient
    program completion, including distance education offerings
  • Evaluate academic program performance to ensure quality, vigor and relevance for the world of work

Goal II: Foster Engagement

Both internally and externally, we will connect with intention and remain unified in pursuit of our mission.

Learner-centered Objectives

  • Facilitate a responsive, learner-centered culture that promotes learning, service and leadership
  • Engage community partners in developing effective and efficient credit and non-credit programs that support students’ attainment
    of relevant skills
  • Strengthen relationships with local school districts to create
    seamless pathways for students

Employer-centered Objectives

  • Conduct needs assessment and offer educational programs that
    meet workforce demands of the service delivery area
  • Deliver high-quality, customized contract training to enhance
    workforce skills with an emphasis on high-demand career fields

Community-centered Objectives

  • Increase visibility of the college in each county served through social media and targeted outreach activities
  • Develop and implement recruitment activities targeted to
    introduce middle school and high school students to technical
    education programs with a special emphasis on high-demand

Employee-centered Objectives

  • Promote an environment that supports and recognizes learning, service and leadership, for both full-time and part-time employees
  • Invest in professional development activities that are inclusive of all employees
  • Establish greater opportunities for employees to participate in decision-making processes
  • Provide exemplary orientation for all new employees

Goal III: Strengthen Infrastructure

From physical facilities to processing procedures, we will operate with strength and stability.

  • Implement a user-friendly, institutional dashboard for daily,
    monthly and annual reporting functions
  • Implement the 2020-2025 Master Plan
  • Identify and pursue funding sources beyond state and federal
    allocations to include grants, scholarships and charitable
  • Improve and expand physical facilities to better serve the service delivery area
  • Enhance information technology infrastructure to support student learning and operational efficiency
  • Enhance Campus Security measures with a special emphasis on
    staffing, training and leveraging technology