Security & Safety
All Police Department members are trained to handle emergencies quickly and courteously to preserve and protect the college. If you have a concern about campus safety – or you just need a jump-start for your car – please do not hesitate to contact the Police Department for help.
Georgia Piedmont Tech Safety and Security make every effort to educate faculty, staff, and students about the prevention of crime and preservation of personal safety. In order to ensure a timely warning of adverse situations, the Georgia Piedmont Tech community is strongly encouraged to report suspicious or criminal activity whenever observed, either in person or by telephone.
GPTC Notice of Victims’ Rights, Options and Resources/Clery Act brochure
Campus Carry
OCGA statute 16-11-127.1 permits carrying handguns on college campuses by students, faculty, staff, contractors and visitors.
Annual Security Report (Clery)
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal statute requiring colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose campus crime statistics and security information.
Entire College Daily Crime Log
Clarkston Daily Crime Log
Starnes Daily Crime Log
RTTC Daily Crime Log
Rockdale Daily Crime Log
Newton A-C Daily Crime Log
Newton D Daily Crime Log
Newton D Daily Crime Log 1-1-25 through 1-30-25
Stay Safe
A safe campus requires personal responsibility and good judgment. By taking these easy, simple steps, crime can be prevented:
- Never leave valuables unattended in your car
- Lock your car doors before entering the building
- Always keep your personal belongings with you
- Ask for a security escort and stay in well-lit areas when on campus at night
Vehicle Registration
Students, faculty, and staff are required to have a parking permit when parking on campus. Parking permits are issued at campus security once a valid Georgia Piedmont Tech ID is shown. Students have two weeks from the first day of classes to get their parking permit or risk being fined. Fines start at $10. Grades, registration, and diplomas will be held until fines are paid in full.
Human Trafficking
All victims of slavery and human trafficking have rights and are protected by international, federal, and state law. Call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888 for help or more information.
National Human Trafficking Resource Center Flyer
Safety Programs
The Police Department believes education is key to preventing crime and preserving safety. Programs are held through out the year to educate and promote a safe environment for all campuses.
Missing Person Notification
In the event of a missing person, contact Campus Police by dialing 911 our non-emergency number of 404-297-9522 ext. 1700. Georgia Piedmont Tech has a mutual agreement with local agencies, and when notified of a missing person, will file a report with the appropriate agency.
The Police Department is here to help. If you suspect, witness, or are a victim of a crime, please contact the Police Department right away.
Get more information on reporting policies.
Emergency Alert System
Georgia Piedmont Tech has partnered with ReGroup Mass Notification to handle urgent communications to faculty, staff and students via email, text and voice messaging. Opt-in to have emergency notifications sent to your cell phone, email, or home phone.