Fall 2020 8-week course registration begins
Fall 2020 8-week course registration begins Sept. 9 8-week courses start October 12 Click to view the 8-week course schedule. New student? Apply for admission here.
Georgia Piedmont Technical College is committed to producing a skilled and qualified workforce for DeKalb, Newton and Rockdale counties and beyond by creating unforgettable learning experiences for students and supporting them in The Way Forward. Learn more
GPTC’s regular operating hours:
Monday – Thursday, 8AM – 10PM
Friday, 8AM – 3PM
Saturday, 8AM – 2PM
Student Support hours:
Monday – Thursday, 8AM – 7PM
Friday, 8AM – 3PM
Saturday, 8AM – 2PM
Copyright © 2025
Georgia Piedmont Technical College
495 North Indian Creek Drive
Clarkston, GA 30021
Map & Directions
Fall 2020 8-week course registration begins Sept. 9 8-week courses start October 12 Click to view the 8-week course schedule. New student? Apply for admission here.
Regional+Virtual Job Fair — Fall 2020 SAVE THE DATE & REGISTER NOW — for our second Regional+Virtual Job Fair of 2020, set for October 9, from 12 - 4 PM. Available in a completely virtual/online platform, the fair is FREE for jobseekers — with the goal of connecting them with local employers in the fields … Continue Reading →
Fall 2020 8-week course session begins Oct. 12 Click to view the 8-week course schedule. New student? Apply for admission here.
Join us to learn more about the steps to the college admission process, financial aid, academic program offerings, and support services at GPTC. Chat with an Admissions Representative and ask questions. Click here for the event flyer and WebEx information: Admissions WebEX Flyer 2020
Join us to learn more about the steps to the college admission process, financial aid, academic program offerings, and support services at GPTC. Chat with an Admissions Representative and ask questions. Click below for the event flyer and WebEx information: https://www.gptc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Admissions-WebEX-Flyer-2020-with-Fall-2020-dates.pdf RSVP for the Virtual Admissions Session https://admissionsvirtualsession.eventbrite.com
Interested in learning more about the High School Dual Enrollment Program? Join us for a virtual information session to learn about all things Dual Enrollment at GPTC, including the benefits of participating in Dual Enrollment, steps to apply, programs available, and much more! This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students not yet … Continue Reading →
Truist Grant Manufacturing Career Pathway Registration Improve your English language fluency or earn a high school equivalency credential while learning in-demand job skills in as little as 5 weeks through GPTC's Truist Bank Grant Career Pathways programs. GPTC’s Truist Bank Grant Career Pathways program gives Adult Education students the opportunity to continue their work toward … Continue Reading →
Join us to learn more about the steps to the college admission process, financial aid, academic program offerings, and support services at GPTC. Chat with an Admissions Representative and ask questions. Click below for the event flyer and WebEx information: https://www.gptc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Admissions-WebEX-Flyer-2020-with-Fall-2020-dates.pdf RSVP for the Virtual Admissions Session: https://admissionsvirtualsession.eventbrite.com
Join us to learn more about the steps to the college admission process, financial aid, academic program offerings, and support services at GPTC. Chat with an Admissions Representative and ask questions. Click below for the event flyer and WebEx information: https://www.gptc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Admissions-WebEX-Flyer-2020-with-Fall-2020-dates.pdf RSVP for the Virtual Admissions Session: https://admissionsvirtualsession.eventbrite.com
Dual Enrollment at GPTC is a great way to get started on your future career path! Join us for our upcoming career spotlight virtual information session where we will discuss how to get started in the Dual Enrollment program, what you can expect in Recording Arts classes, and how your GPTC experience can prepare you … Continue Reading →
Join us to learn more about the steps to the college admission process, financial aid, academic program offerings, and support services at GPTC. Chat with an Admissions Representative and ask questions. Click below for the event flyer and WebEx information: https://www.gptc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Admissions-WebEX-Flyer-2020-with-Fall-2020-dates.pdf RSVP for the Virtual Admissions Session: https://admissionsvirtualsession.eventbrite.com
Giving Tuesday 2020 for the GPTC Foundation Support the GPTC Foundation as your designated nonprofit on Georgia's Giving Tuesday! Our Foundation provides funds for student scholarships and for other pressing needs of the college. Each year, the Georgia Center for Nonprofits hosts our state’s nonprofit giving event in partnership with a legion of generous corporate, … Continue Reading →
Join us to learn more about the steps to the college admission process, financial aid, academic program offerings, and support services at GPTC. Chat with an Admissions Representative and ask questions. Click below for the event flyer and WebEx information: https://www.gptc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Admissions-WebEX-Flyer-2020-with-Fall-2020-dates.pdf RSVP for the Virtual Admissions Session: https://admissionsvirtualsession.eventbrite.com
Join us to learn more about the steps to the college admission process, financial aid, academic program offerings, and support services at GPTC. Chat with an Admissions Representative and ask questions. Click below for the event flyer and WebEx information: https://www.gptc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Admissions-WebEX-Flyer-2020-with-Fall-2020-dates.pdf RSVP for the Virtual Admissions Session: https://admissionsvirtualsession.eventbrite.com
Dual Enrollment at GPTC is a great way to get started on your future career path! Join us for our upcoming career spotlight virtual information session where we will discuss how to get started in the Dual Enrollment program, what you can expect in Welding classes, and how your GPTC experience can prepare you for … Continue Reading →
Join us to learn more about the steps to the college admission process, financial aid, academic program offerings, and support services at GPTC. Chat with an Admissions Representative and ask questions. Click below for the event flyer and WebEx information: https://www.gptc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Admissions-WebEX-Flyer-2020-with-Fall-2020-dates.pdf RSVP for the Virtual Admissions Session: https://admissionsvirtualsession.eventbrite.com
Are you a high school student in Rockdale County? Learn about opportunities to take Dual Enrollment classes through Rockdale Career Academy for the 2021-2022 academic year in this virtual event. More details to follow.
Join us to learn more about the steps to the college admission process, financial aid, academic program offerings, and support services at GPTC. Chat with an Admissions Representative and ask questions. Click below for the event flyer and WebEx information: https://www.gptc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Admissions-WebEX-Flyer-2020-with-Fall-2020-dates.pdf RSVP for the Virtual Admissions Session https://admissionsvirtualsession.eventbrite.com
Interested in learning more about the High School Dual Enrollment Program? Join us for a virtual information session to learn about all things Dual Enrollment at GPTC, including the benefits of participating in Dual Enrollment, steps to apply, programs available, and much more. This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students not yet … Continue Reading →
Georgia Piedmont Technical College Virtual Commencement Ceremony 2020 Visit the Graduation Page on Friday, December 11, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. for the link to the virtual ceremony.
Join us to learn more about the steps to the college admission process, financial aid, academic program offerings, and support services at GPTC. Chat with an Admissions Representative and ask questions. Click below for the event flyer and WebEx information: https://www.gptc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Admissions-WebEX-Flyer-2020-with-Fall-2020-dates.pdf RSVP for the Virtual Admissions Session: https://admissionsvirtualsession.eventbrite.com
Join us to learn more about the steps to the college admission process, financial aid, academic program offerings, and support services at GPTC. Chat with an Admissions Representative and ask questions. Click below for the event flyer and WebEx information: https://www.gptc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Admissions-WebEX-Flyer-2020-with-Fall-2020-dates.pdf RSVP for the Virtual Admissions Session: https://admissionsvirtualsession.eventbrite.com
Full Holiday and Campus Operations Schedule >> Dec. 21, 2020 - Jan. 8, 2021: Dec. 21 – 23: GPTC campuses closed; virtual appointments only; faculty and staff available to assist via phone, email and other online means Dec. 24 – Jan. 3: GPTC closed for the holidays Jan. 4 – 8: GPTC campuses closed; virtual … Continue Reading →
Join us to learn more about the steps to the college admission process, financial aid, academic program offerings, and support services at GPTC. Chat with an Admissions Representative and ask questions. Click below for the event flyer and WebEx information: RSVP for the Virtual Admissions Session: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/office-of-admissions-virtual-information-sessions-december-tickets-133260408469
GPTC Closed for the Holidays Full Holiday and Campus Operations Schedule >> Dec. 21, 2020 – Jan. 8, 2021: Dec. 21 – 23: GPTC campuses closed; virtual appointments only; faculty and staff available to assist via phone, email and other online means Dec. 24 – Jan. 3: GPTC closed for the holidays Jan. 4 – 8: GPTC campuses … Continue Reading →
Join us to learn more about the steps to the college admission process, financial aid, academic program offerings, and support services at GPTC. Chat with an Admissions Representative and ask questions. WebEx information: RSVP for the Virtual Admissions Session: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/office-of-admissions-virtual-information-sessions-december-tickets-133260408469
Spring 2021 classes start on January 11th! Join us as we delve into all things Dual Enrollment to prepare you for the new semester. All students and parents, new and returning, are welcome! To participate, click JOIN ORIENTATION up to 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. More information about opportunities for high school … Continue Reading →
Spring 2021 classes start on January 11th! Join us as we delve into all things Dual Enrollment to prepare you for the new semester. All students and parents, new and returning, are welcome! To participate, click JOIN ORIENTATION up to 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. More information about opportunities for high school … Continue Reading →
Spring 2021 classes start on January 11th! Join us as we delve into all things Dual Enrollment to prepare you for the new semester. All students and parents, new and returning, are welcome! To participate, click JOIN ORIENTATION up to 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. More information about opportunities for high school … Continue Reading →
Spring Semester 2021 begins January 11
Dual Enrollment at GPTC is a great way to get started on your future career path! Join us for our upcoming career spotlight virtual information session where we will discuss how to get started in the Dual Enrollment program, what you can expect in classes, and how your GPTC experience can prepare you for an … Continue Reading →
High School Equivalency Classes - Online Registration February 5-9, 2021 Classes begin every Monday, are FREE, and will be offered online only during Spring Semester 2021 until further notice.
Dual Enrollment at GPTC is a great way to get started on your future career path! Join us for our upcoming career spotlight virtual information session where we will discuss how to get started in the Dual Enrollment program, what you can expect in Drafting classes, and how your GPTC experience can prepare you for … Continue Reading →
GPTC Student Affairs & Registration Offices OPEN by appointment IMPORTANT SPRING 2021 ANNOUNCEMENT: GPTC will resume normal, on-campus operations* beginning Monday, March 1, Monday through Thursday, with virtual appointments available with faculty and staff members on Fridays. IN-PERSON/ON-CAMPUS STUDENT ASSISTANCE (excluding weekends, holidays and Fridays): All GPTC Student Affairs campus offices wil be open to … Continue Reading →
Are you a current or future student and want to connect with a Dual Enrollment Coordinator? We will be hosting virtual office hours to answer questions about all things DE. This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students, parents /guardians of high school students, and school partners. To participate, click JOIN DE ADVISEMENT … Continue Reading →
Are you a current or future student and want to connect with a Dual Enrollment Coordinator? We will be hosting virtual office hours to answer questions about all things DE. This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students, parents /guardians of high school students, and school partners. To participate, click JOIN DE ADVISEMENT … Continue Reading →
Dual Enrollment_Career Spotlight Automotive
High School Equivalency Classes – Online Registration (GED Pre-registration) March 12-16, 2021 Classes begin every Monday, both online and on campus at all GPTC campuses for day and evening classes, and are completely FREE.
Are you a current or future student and want to connect with a Dual Enrollment Coordinator? We will be hosting virtual office hours to answer questions about all things DE. This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students, parents /guardians of high school students, and school partners. To participate, click JOIN DE ADVISEMENT … Continue Reading →
Dual Enrollment_Career Spotlight HIMT
Interested in learning more about the High School Dual Enrollment Program? Join us for a virtual information session to learn about all things Dual Enrollment at GPTC, including the benefits of participating in Dual Enrollment, steps to apply, programs available, and much more! This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students not yet … Continue Reading →
Dual Enrollment at GPTC is a great way to get started on your future career path! The New Media programs prepare students for careers in Design & Media Production, Recording Arts and Residential Building. Courses offered include 3D Computer Animation, Architectural Drawing and Digital Sound Engineering and Movie Making. This virtual event is for future … Continue Reading →
GPTC Spring Break No classes. Campus offices open.
Interested in learning more about the High School Dual Enrollment Program? Join us for a virtual information session to learn about all things Dual Enrollment at GPTC, including the benefits of participating in Dual Enrollment, steps to apply, programs available, and much more! This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students not yet … Continue Reading →
Interested in learning more about the High School Dual Enrollment Program? Join us for a virtual information session to learn about all things Dual Enrollment at GPTC, including the benefits of participating in Dual Enrollment, steps to apply, programs available, and much more! This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students not yet … Continue Reading →
Are you a current or future student and want to connect with a Dual Enrollment Coordinator? We will be hosting virtual office hours to answer questions about all things DE. This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students, parents/guardians of high school students, and school partners. To participate, click JOIN DE LUNCH AND … Continue Reading →
Interested in learning more about the High School Dual Enrollment Program? Join us for a virtual information session to learn about all things Dual Enrollment at GPTC, including the benefits of participating in Dual Enrollment, steps to apply, programs available, and much more! This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students not yet … Continue Reading →
Are you a current or future student and want to connect with a Dual Enrollment Coordinator? We will be hosting virtual office hours to answer questions about all things DE. This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students, parents/guardians of high school students, and school partners. To participate, click JOIN DE LUNCH AND … Continue Reading →
Interested in learning more about the High School Dual Enrollment Program? Join us for a virtual information session to learn about all things Dual Enrollment at GPTC, including the benefits of participating in Dual Enrollment, steps to apply, programs available, and much more! This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students not yet … Continue Reading →
Are you a new student to the Dual Enrollment Program? Join us for Summer 2021 Orientation to learn about all things Dual Enrollment at GPTC for you to begin classes prepared! This virtual event is most beneficial to first time Dual Enrollment students, parents/guardians of high school students, and school partners. To participate, click JOIN … Continue Reading →
Are you a new student to the Dual Enrollment Program? Join us for Summer 2021 Orientation to learn about all things Dual Enrollment at GPTC for you to begin classes prepared! This virtual event is most beneficial to first time Dual Enrollment students, parents/guardians of high school students, and school partners. To participate, click JOIN … Continue Reading →
Summer Semester 2021 Classes Begin
Interested in learning more about the High School Dual Enrollment Program at RCA? Join us for a virtual information session to learn about CTE programs through Dual Enrollment, including the benefits of participating in Dual Enrollment, steps to apply, and much more! This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students not yet enrolled … Continue Reading →
Are you a current or future student and want to connect with a Dual Enrollment Coordinator? We will be hosting virtual office hours to answer questions about all things DE. This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students, parents/guardians of high school students, and school partners. To participate, click JOIN DE LUNCH AND … Continue Reading →
Spring 2021 Commencement Georgia Piedmont Technical College will celebrate Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 Graduates on Saturday, May 22, 2021. Details regarding how the college will safely celebrate the success of graduates completing their program of study is forthcoming.
Are you a current or future student and want to connect with a Dual Enrollment Coordinator? We will be hosting virtual office hours to answer questions about all things DE. This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students, parents/guardians of high school students, and school partners. To participate, click JOIN DE LUNCH AND … Continue Reading →
Are you a current or future student and want to connect with a Dual Enrollment Coordinator? We will be hosting virtual office hours to answer questions about all things DE. This virtual event is most beneficial to high school students, parents/guardians of high school students, and school partners. To participate, click JOIN DE LUNCH AND … Continue Reading →
Monday, July 5, 2021 >> GPTC CLOSED in observance of July 4th holiday