Located in Covington, Ga., Georgia Piedmont Tech’s Law Enforcement Academy (LEA) is the first, and currently only, Law Enforcement Academy in the state of Georgia to be accredited by CALEA (the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies), the most widely recognized accrediting body in Public Safety. Qualified candidates in Georgia Piedmont Tech’s LEA program are eligible for both HOPE and PELL grants to support their training.

Our 17-week program currently meets the POST-approved Basic Mandate requirements of 809 hours. In addition to POST Basic Law Enforcement certification, graduates of Georgia Piedmont Technical College’s LEA program receive 42 college credits towards an associate’s degree in criminal justice.

If you are called to serve, start your career today with one of the best peace officer training programs in the country at Georgia Piedmont Tech’s Law Enforcement Academy in Covington.

Application Process for Basic Mandate

*To apply for advanced classes, please see the Advanced Classes section on the right side of this page.

Here at the Georgia Piedmont Tech Law Enforcement Academy we strive to offer the best training and education possible. In order to apply to the program you will need to meet certain requirements.

Once you submit the online application, you will be contacted by Academy staff for the next steps. Application deadlines are set approximately six weeks prior to the start of a new class.

Read requirements needed and how to apply online

Requirements Prior to Beginning Program

  • Minimum of 18 years old
  • Criminal background investigation;
    • No felony convictions
    • Or sufficient misdemeanors showing pattern of disregard for the law
    • Must possess good moral character
  • Pass medical examination
  • Proof of High School/GED graduation
  • Proof of US or naturalized citizenship
  • Valid Class C Georgia Driver’s License
  • Military Service Record (if applicable)
  • Provide Birth Certificate
  • Pass drug screen

If you are able to meet these requirements, then follow this link to submit the Academy application. You will be contacted by Academy staff for an interview.

Academy fact sheet

Agency checklist

Advanced Law Enforcement Training

GPTC’s Law Enforcement Academy offers almost 800 hours of customized training for current law enforcement officers in Georgia every year at our Newton  Campus in Covington. Officers can choose from courses ranging from 24 to 80 hours each.

Advanced Courses are for current Georgia Law Enforcement Officers Only.

Please see the yellow Advanced Classes section on the right for our Advanced Course flyer and the Advanced Classes Registration form.

If you have any questions about upcoming Advanced Course offerings, cost of the courses, and registration, you can contact the Academy’s Program Assistant, Samantha Nix, at gptclea@gptc.edu or 404-297-9522, ext. 5046

See the course options below.

Crime Scene Processing
The student will be familiar with the actions to be taken by the first arriving officer at a crime scene, identify investigative resources for assistance, and understand the techniques of documenting the crime scene and how to collect and preserve evidence. This course is designed for first responding elements to the crime scene and satisfies the requirements for P.O.S.T. Advance Certification.

Equivalency of Training (EOT)
Eligible for: Federal Peace Officers, Military Peace Officers (MP + CID, or equivalent), Out of-State Peace Officers, Pre-Service Candidates and Inactive Registered Georgia

Peace Officers actively employed in law enforcement or who have graduated from a basic law enforcement training course within the last 3 years are eligible for Equivalency of Training (EOT). All others will be required to attend the entire basic law enforcement training course. This process will also be used for those individuals who attended the basic law enforcement training course, in Georgia, and did not complete the certification process within three (3) years.

The EOT may allow an officer to be exempt from having to complete the entire basic law enforcement training course. Those who fail the EOT will be required to successfully complete the entire basic law enforcement training course in order to be eligible for peace officer certification. The minimum passing score is 70%.

You may be eligible for an exemption from the full basic law enforcement training course if you were an officer in another state or with the federal government and meet the following requirements:

  1. You attended a basic law enforcement training course in another state or with the federal government;
  2. Your certification as a peace officer in another state or with the federal government is valid; and
  3. You have not had more than a three (3) year break in employment as a law enforcement officer.

Field Training Officer (FTO) Program combines on-the-job instruction with objective evaluation and documentation, thereby enabling students to use this selection process within their own department.

Instructor Training
This course is designed for the public safety officer who instructs in performance oriented training and is responsible for lesson plan development. Topics range from instructor liability and lesson plan design, to testing and evaluation of learning. During the course, each student writes an original lesson plan on an approved public safety topic and develops the presentation skills necessary to deliver that lesson.

Firearms Instructor Training
This course is designed to develop qualified firearms instructors who can manage and conduct firearms training programs. Officers will be trained in contemporary firearms techniques, equipment, and accessories and will participate in a variety of combat shooting drills including drawing techniques, safe loading and unloading procedures, proper use of cover, immediate actions, engagement of multiple targets, and a variety of other shooting problems. Subject matter will include: safety, range operation, ballistics, instructor liability, night firing, semi-automatic pistols, and shotguns.

The Georgia Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training course prepares law enforcement officers and other public safety personnel with the skills to assist people with mental illness, co-occurring disorders, substance abuse, developmental disorders or other brain disorders who are in crisis, thereby advancing public safety and reducing stigma. This course is an intensive 40-hour, five-day curriculum that is comprised of both classroom instruction and practical exercises delivered by mental health professionals, other subject matter experts and CIT law enforcement instructors. This course is approved by the Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) Council.

Registration for CIT is forthcoming.

For more information, contact gptclea@gptc.edu or Major Clint Buggle at 404-297-9522, ext. 5031, bugglec@gptc.edu 




Below you’ll find some additional resources, information related to the Law Enforcement Academy

The Georgia Piedmont Technical College Law Enforcement Academy is scheduled for a site-based assessment as part of the process to retain accreditation by verifying it meets professional standards.

Administered by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA), the accreditation program requires agencies to comply with standards in the following basic areas:  credentialing; organization; direction and authority; human resources; recruitment, selection, employment, and promotion; instructional systems; training administration; instructors; and students.

As part of the on-site assessment, agency employees and members of the community are invited to offer comments by calling 404-297-9522 EXT. 5046. Callers will be given access to the assessment team through the administrative staff at GPTCLEA.

Telephone comments are limited to 10 minutes in length and must address the agency’s ability to comply with CALEA standards.  A copy of the standards manual is available for review at the Georgia Piedmont Technical College Law Enforcement Academy located at 16200 Alcovy Rd (Bldg A) Covington, GA.  For additional information, you may contact the Accreditation Staff at 404-297-9522 EXT. 5046.

Access the public comment portal below, which fulfills Law Enforcement standard 45.2.3; Communications standard 2.6.8 Training Academy standard 7.1.9; Campus Security standard 23.2.5.

Georgia Piedmont Technical College Law Enforcement Academy
